General Settings
This option can be seen in the Settings tab, it allows you to configure the settings to help spice up your Email Template design.
The sub settings here include:
Direction RTL: Turn on for right to left languages
Template Container Width: This option allows you to set a specific width for the Email template and this must be between 480px (min) - 900px (max).
Payment Instruction and : This will allow you to choose whether you want to show payment instruction for customers and admin or not in the Email.
Show Product Image: This toggle will allow you to show or hide product images in your template. You can customize how it appears and where it should appear by adjusting its position, size, height and width.
Show Product SKU: This toggle allows you to show or hide the stock keeping unit in the Emails.
Show Product Description: This toggle allows you to display Product Short Description in the Item table.
Show Product Hyperlinks: This toggle allows you to display Product Hyperlinks in the Item table.
Show Product Regular Price: This toggle allows you to display Product Regular Price as a strikethrough in the Item table.
Custom CSS: When this option is toggled ON, the field which allows input of CSS codes to further style and enhance the Emails will show up and you could input codes to style your Emails here.
Last updated