Back In Stock Notifications

YayMail Addon for Back In Stock Notifications allows you to customize templates generated by Back In Stock Notifications plugin (by WooCommerce) in YayMail interface.

REQUIRED: In addition to these two plugins, here are the WordPress plugins you'll need for this guide.

These extra emails include:

  • Back in stock notification

  • Back in stock sign-up confirmation

  • Back in stock sign-up verification

Apart from the extra blocks, you can add the source content to the email body. Please use those Back In Stock Notifications shortcodes, which are listed in the Shortcodes section.

These YayMail shortcodes help populate the content from your Back In Stock Notifications email.

  • [yaymail_addon_bis_notification_confirm] --> Email content for Back in stock sign-up confirmation template

  • [yaymail_addon_bis_notification_received] --> Email content for Back in stock notification

  • [yaymail_addon_bis_notification_verify] --> Email content for Back in stock sign-up verification

Last updated