Sale 30% off from the third item
How to set up tiered pricing
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How to set up tiered pricing
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Sale 30% OFF from the third item (bulk pricing with quantity table).
Discussion steps:
To get started with this, we will go through YayCommerce >> YayPricing >> Product Pricing >> Add Rule. Then select the Sale 30% OFF from the third item rule.
After selecting this rule type, then we go ahead to configuring the price settings, as seen in the screenshot below;
(1). We give a name to our rule in this field, for our reference only, not to be shown to our customers.
(2). The pricing range we set means, if a customer buys from 3 quantity of products and above, they get 30% discount, we set no highest / maximum discount values for this.
(3). We set the rule to apply to Any of the product filters we added in (4).
(4). We set the rule to apply to All the products on our site. But in this section, we can also choose to apply the rule to specific products, category, tag, price, stock values or product variations if we want.
The screenshot below shows the settings that can be applied to our rule, There are up to 4 checkboxes that can be activated in other to apply the four available settings in this case, but we have only checked both the (1) and (2) boxes.
(1). We checked this box to which shows the offer description on the Buy product pages.
(2). When this box is checked, it means the description set in box (1) will be shown to customers only when the Conditions set are matched.
(3). We checked this box so that customers would see a tooltip text on the final price in the Cart page after the pricing rule is applied to their cart items.
(4). You can check this box to schedule a start and end date to run your rule campaign.
(5). Check this box to limit the number of times a customer can enjoy the discount rule.
Since we want the rule to always apply for all customers at all times, hence we have decided not to set any conditions regulating how it is shown, to whom it is shown or when it is shown.
We saved the changes!
Offer description in the Buy product page.
Other discount information like the badge and discount table appearing on cart page can be controlled via the general settings by going through YayCommerce >> YayPricing >> Settings >> Product sale display and Pricing table respectively.
The Sale 30% OFF from the third item rule applied to the cart after we added 3 or more quantities of the Buy products.
Tooltip on Cart prices