Bulk Pricing

This rule type allows you to set up bulk rules (in form of product quantity range or single quantity) for product pricing and then gives you option to select product categories, name, variation, tags, price or specific products that gets affected by this rule.

Types of Pricing

There are 5 types of pricing methods in this rule.

  • Fixed discount

  • Percentage discount

  • Flat price

(1). This is a sub tab that will allow you to see the 3 methods of Bulk Pricing Rule.

(2). This sub tab will allow you to enable/disable option: Show offer description in product page (Show this description only when conditions match), Show tooltip on cart item price, Schedules and Usage limits.

(3). This sub tab will allow you to set the condition for the application of Bulk Pricing Rule, either to have it applied to All/Any of the set conditions. (PRO version)


(1). Note in the above, that the Fixed discount $5 when customer buys from 1 to 2 quantities of products. Discount 50% when customers buy from 4 to 6 quantities of products.

(2). Note, the table below gives an illustration of how the final product prices looks like under the different types of Product Ranges set.

RangesProduct PriceAdjusted Price

1 - 2


$20 - $5 = $15




4 - 6


$20 - $10 = $10




When quantity is not in ranges, pricing is not adjusted.

Last updated