
Jul 16, 2024 - Version 3.0

  • Added: Manually change free product in buy X get Y

  • Added: Tiered Pricing ( Same as Bulk pricing, but it will discount items within range )

  • Added: Recurring Schedule ( allow run/not run rule in interval time )

  • Added: Shipping region condition for product pricing

  • Added: Import Bulk Pricing ranges

  • Added: Bundle discount rule

  • Added: Product filter for custom taxonomies

  • Improved: Frontend performance when enable showing product price discounts

  • Improved: Disable rule when WC coupon (which disable product sale ) is applied

  • Integrated: B2b market user group condition

  • Integrated: Condition for ACF custom taxonomy

  • Integrated: Acoweb custom Product addon

Mar 22, 2024 - Version 2.5.3 (free version & pro version on only)

  • Fixed: Warning in Other Plugins menu

Feb 20, 2024 - Version 2.5.2 (free version only)

  • Updated: WC tested up to & Stable tag

Feb 20, 2024 - Version 2.5.1

  • Added: Integration with LiteSpeed Cache plugin

  • Added: Display products saving amount option

  • Added: Integration with YITH Product Add-on

  • Updated: Translation

  • Updated: Change offer description position -> to before add to cart form

  • Fixed: Wp warning when get customer name

Jan 22, 2024 - Version 2.5

  • Fixed: Admin search product tags (cannot find parent product tag)

  • Fixed: Admin choose condition (missing previous choice labels)

Oct 30, 2023 - Version 2.4.9

  • Add: Translations

  • Update: Remove fixed style of sale badge

  • Fix: WP org "not properly prepared for localization" warning

  • Fix: Product pricing discount when display including tax price

  • Fix: Name of product/category in filter disappear when reloading page (admin) --> tackle WP org support topic

Sep 27, 2023 - Version 2.4.8

  • Added: YayCurrency current currency condition

  • Added: Encouraged notice shortcode (Pro)

  • Added: Integration with WooCommerce Google Product Feed by Ademti Software

  • Fixed: Duplicating rule doesn’t reset use time to 0

  • Fixed: Product price when include/exclude tax

  • Fixed: Calculate wrong shipping fee when include/exclude tax

  • Fixed: Update integration with CURCY new version

Aug 25, 2023 - Version 2.4.7

  • New: “Applied coupon codes” condition for product pricing rules

  • Update: Purchase history conditions text and tooltip

Aug 23, 2023 - Version 2.4.6

  • Add: Custom class for discounted price (user re-style purpose)

  • Add: Product filter by attribute

  • Add: Hook for altering pricing table text

  • Add: Hook for altering cart item price text

  • Add: Global yaydp_cart variable

  • Add: Condition for applied coupons

  • Add: Condition for history bought products

  • Add: Filter for altering sale tag text (for user purpose)

  • Update: Check order history except for refunded status

  • Update: CURCY plugin function

  • Fix: Pricing table does not sync when selecting variation

  • Fix: Fatal error (missing code)

  • Fix: Use time not reset when duplicating rule

Jul 18, 2023 - Version 2.4.5

  • Add: Condition of order count from last discount

  • Add: Condition if cart has switch items (WooCommerce Subscriptions)

  • Update: Reload cart ajax when choosing payment method (apply only when have payment method conditional logic)

  • Fix: Countdown timer for product pricing (hide when disable)

  • Fix: Discounted price display

  • Fix: Compatible with YayCurrency

  • Fix: Checkout with subscription

Jun 30, 2023 - Version 2.4.4

  • Added: Count quantity by variations for Bulk Pricing type

  • Updated: Show hierarchy of category on search result label

  • Fixed: Admin settings layout in RTL mode

  • Fixed: End Countdown timer not showing

  • Fixed: Incorrect calculation in Cart discount

Jun 15, 2023 - Version 2.4.3

  • Added: Support WooCommerce HPOS

Jun 9, 2023 - Version 2.4.2

  • Added: Option for hiding Pricing Table

  • Added: WP Filter for changing encouraged notice [action] variable

  • Added: New translations in pot file

  • Fixed: Cart item warning

  • Updated: Change woocommerce_cart_totals_fee_html hook priority

  • Fixed: Compatible with WooCommerce Points And Rewards

  • Fixed: Compatible with YayCurrency latest version

  • Fixed: Free text displaying

  • Fixed: After checkout process with cart discount and checkout fee

  • Fixed: Buy x get y discount items small bug

  • Removed: Coupons/fees functions

Jun 5, 2023 - Version 2.4.1

  • Improved: Change BOGO/Buy X Get Y discount item flow

Jun 4, 2023 - Version 2.4

  • Added: Count quantity by (For Buy X get Y)

  • Added: Receive cheapest/ most expensive item (for Buy X get Y)

  • Added: Display sale tag/ discounted price as discountable range/current tier/next tier

May 17, 2023 - Version 2.3.1

  • Added: YayCommerce Menu

May 11, 2023 - Version 2.3

  • Added: Show offer description when match condition (optional)

  • Added: Comparison table tooltip

  • Added: On-sale products shortcode

  • Added condition: cart tag, cart category

  • Supported: Aelia Currency Switcher

  • Fixed: Fatal error when deactivate YayPricing (when having discount item in cart)

  • Fixed: Verify nonce when call rest api

  • Fixed: Wrong displaying tooltip variable for flat price pricing type

  • Improved: Apply rule with minimum/maximum discount amount for whole cart

  • Improved: Replace "Equal/Not equal" with "Greater than and equal/ Less than and equal"

  • Improved: Export UI

  • Removed: Fixed fee, percentage fee for product pricing rule

Apr 20, 2023 - Version 2.2

  • Added: Combined condition

  • Added: History order condition: product/category/purchased date

  • Added: “Contain all” comparison type for cart item condition

  • Removed: WC default flash sale when product is discounted by YayPricing

  • Added: Integration with Astra theme - sticky add to cart

Apr 12, 2023 - Version 2.1

  • Added: Options to exclude all product pricing rules

  • Added: Disable product pricing rule when product is on sale

  • Added: Condition for checking cart total weight

  • Improved: Upselling notice display (YayPricing Pro version)

    • Improved: Encouraged notice now doesn’t show on all pages

    • Improved: Cart discount encouraged notice only show at bottom of cart page

    • Improved: Checkout fee encouraged notice only show at bottom of checkout page

    • Improved: Product pricing encouraged notice can show at bottom of shop page/ product page and after product short description

    • Improved: Limit 1 encouraged notice shows at one time

  • Changed: Upgrade URLs in YayPricing free version

  • Fixed: Conflict CSS with FileBird, CatFolders

  • Fixed: Sale amount and discounted range shows incorrectly with variable products

  • Fixed: Error when checking product category with variation

  • Fixed: Error when saving data after creating empty conditions/filters of buy x get y rule, then switch to other types

Apr 7, 2023 - Version 2.0

  • Added: Tooltip image and helper text

  • Compatible: with CURCY plugin

  • Improved: Validate when saving

  • Improved: UI

  • Improved: Locking feature UI

  • Improved: Countdown, encouraged notice UI

  • Fixed: Sale tag amount show incorrectly with maximum value

  • Fixed: [discounted_price] for bulk pricing

  • Removed: Conditions of excluding rules (We decided to remove it to keep it simple)

Mar 30, 2023 - Version 1.9

  • Updated: Custom fee is now not supported in free version (Shipping fee adjustment is included in free version)

  • Updated: YayPricing Reports is now in WooCommerce Analytics menu

  • Added: Show discounted price option

  • Added: PHP requirement

  • Improved: Report UI (Add column chart, highlight legend, show rule information when click legend)

  • Improved: Schedule datetime picker

  • Improved: Typo

  • Improved: UI

  • Fixed: Change checkout fee condition match type

  • Fixed: Expired WC Coupon when checkout

  • Fixed: schedule timezone detection

  • Fixed: product pricing condition working in lite version

  • Fixed: Currency symbol in rule name

Mar 29, 2023 - Version 1.8

  • Fixed: Compatible with YayCurrency (fixed price and checkout in different currency)

  • Fixed: Drag-drop UI

  • Fixed: Minor bugs

Mar 28, 2023 - Version 1.7

  • Supported: Custom Post Type UI v1.13.4

  • Added: Media library on rich text editor

  • Fixed: Not displaying cart tooltip on free item

  • Fixed: Display maximum 100% sale amount on sale tag

  • Fixed: Offer description/ Countdown text/ Encourage text not display color

  • Fixed: Add to cart error with bulk pricing

  • Fixed: Small bugs

Mar 21, 2023 - Version 1.6

  • Fixed: wrong sale amount on sale tag

  • Fixed: checkout fee still calculate when choose free shipping

  • Fixed: Compatible with YayCurrency

  • Removed: No apply rule

  • Disabled save when nothing changes

  • Improved UI

Mar 17, 2023 - Version 1.5

  • Added: Color picker for choosing pricing table color

  • Added: Use time badge in admin UI

  • Added: Running rule count badge in admin UI

  • Added: Variable list

  • Improved UI

  • Fixed: Pricing table

  • Fixed: Not saving rule to order detail

  • Fixed: Report date

  • Fixed: Wrong calculation for cart subtotal condition

  • Fixed: PHP version syntax

Nov 21, 2022 - Version 1.4.1

  • Fixed: Saving error when set up product filter

Sep 21, 2022 - Version 1.4

  • Added: Schedule for Fee

  • Added: Shortcode tag

  • Added: Filter for choosing all products

  • Added: New option to show sale tag on product page and shop page

  • Added: New option to use discount name to coupon code (cart discounts)

  • Added: Rule status

  • Added: Maximum discount feature

  • Improved: Change description shortcode name

  • Improved: Change wp editor to ckeditor

  • Improved: UI and text

  • Improved: WooCommerce feedback

  • Improved: Change “use name as code” to “use generated Id as code”

  • Improved: Maximum use feature

  • Fixed: Bug cannot add product pricing shortcode

  • Fixed: Bug BOGO and Buy X Get Y not showing tooltip

  • Fixed: Rule is not applied for child category in product filters.

  • Fixed: Bugs

Jul 29, 2022 - Version 1.3

  • Added: Filter product by custom taxonomy for product (support Custom Post Type UI plugin)

  • Added: Fees handler feature

  • Added: Condition about checking shipping total and checking customer order count

  • Added: Limit amount of reaching rule

  • Added: New condition shipping regions (apply cart discount and fees)

  • Improved: Add question mark for hover to show tooltip and re-style tooltip

  • Improved: dmin UI

  • Fixed: Handle multi products in filter in BOGO and Buy X Get Y type

  • Fixed: Handle out of stock

  • Fixed: Pricing table is always display even though turn off show pricing table setting

  • Fixed: Apply first, smallest, highest price rule of product pricing

Jun 28, 2022 - Version 1.2

  • Updated: provide shortcodes ( discount_amount, discounted_price, discount_value ) for offer description

  • Updated: provide edit encourage notice text and count down text

  • Fixed: issue offer description and pricing table always show without check role condition.

  • Fixed: UI issues.

  • Fixed: Fatal error when uploading a newer version

Jun 2, 2022 - Version 1.1

  • Added: Banner and text for BOGO and Buy X Get Y discount rules

  • Added: Quantity pricing table design

  • Improved: Offer description on product page

  • Fixed: Minor bugs

Feb 28, 2022 - Version 1.0

  • Initial release

Last updated