Use YayPricing shortcode to display a list of discounted products, offer description or countdown timer.
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Use YayPricing shortcode to display a list of discounted products, offer description or countdown timer.
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Want to display information about your discounts on your landing page? Follow this guide!
YayPricing shortcode are available in YayPricing Pro and Dynamic Pricing & Discounts Pro.
Each pricing rule allows you to use a shortcode to display all assigned products, show offer descriptions, or add a countdown timer on specific pages. Additionally, you can use the Countdown shortcode to showcase the countdown timer for Cart discount rules.
Here are the steps to use the shortcode in your WordPress page/post.
From product pricing or cart discount list, click on the three-dot icon on the right end of your pricing rule to open the actions menu. Select the shortcode that you would like to copy.
Go to your page editor and paste the shortcode.
You can also paste multiple shortcodes on the same page.
Step 3. Publish page
Once your page is published, you will see the lists of products on sales discounts or dynamic pricing rules.
Please note that whether or not the pricing rules are applied on checkout still depends on your other settings of cart conditions.