Available YayCurrency Shortcodes

  1. Show the currency switcher dropdown: [yaycurrency-switcher]

  1. Show the currency switcher menu dropdown: [yaycurrency-menu-item-switcher]

  1. Get the price html from the original currency to the current currency. params: yaycurrency-price-html]:

  • price: Original price that you want to convert.

[yaycurrency-price-html price="99"]
  1. Get the product price html converted from the original currency to the current currency: [yaycurrency-product-price-html] --- Support for Single Product pages or Product Archive Loop --- Coming soon.

  • product_id: product ID of the product you want to convert currency.

[yaycurrency-price-html product_id="399"]
  1. Get the price html from the original currency to the current currency: [yaycurrency-fixed-price-html] (PRO version only). --- Coming soon.

  • price: Original price that you want to convert.

  • fixed_countries: get the fixed price by countries.


*** fixed_countries='12|SG,15|FR,10|IN,25|JP,99|VN' --> get fixed price if match country code

*** fixed_countries='12|SG|SGD,15|FR|EUR,10|IN|INR,25|JP|JPY,99|VN|VND' --> get fixed price if match country code and currency code

  • fixed_currencies: get the fixed price by currencies.


*** fixed_currencies='12|SGD,15|EUR,10|IND,25|JPY,20000|VND' --> get fixed price if match currency code

  1. Display a currency converter to convert a specific value between currencies: [yaycurrency-converter] --- Coming soon.

Last updated