Hide estimated price at checkout

How to disable estimated prices and fees in local currency at checkout

When you disable 'Checkout in different currency', the order will be placed in your store's default currency.

At the checkout page, you will see the converted product price in the local currency displayed next to the checkout currency as an approximation.

For instance, your default currency is USD and the customer is viewing EUR on product page. This approximate price is meant to help your customers get an idea of how much it costs in their local currency.

If you don't want to show these estimated prices and fees at checkout, you can hide them using custom coding.

To hide the approximation, you can add the following code to Code Snippets or to the file functions.php of your store theme.

It is recommended to add it tofunctions.php of child theme so that it will be preserved when you update the theme.

add_filter('yay_currency_checkout_converted_approximately', 'yay_currency_checkout_converted_approximately', 10, 2);
function yay_currency_checkout_converted_approximately( $show, $apply_currency ) {
	return false;

Once added, you will see it disappear at the checkout.

Last updated