
The dashboard is a section showing you the overview of your appointment history, records, earnings and other information.

(1). Search Bar: which allows you to perform a quick search of information related to your bookings and appointments, you can search for things like; Appointment search, Service search, Service name, Customer or Agent search, Customer or Agent phone search etc.

(2). New Appointment: This button allows you to manually create a new appointment from the backend.

(3). Day and Time Schedule: This section allows you scroll and check between all the days and time which has been booked by customers.

(4). Refresh Icon: Data are refreshed and updated automatically after every 5 minutes, but clicking this icon will help you trigger a manual re-fetch, to get the latest data form the server. Like updating all newly booked appointments, new dates, payments etc.

(5). Booked Session: All the booked sessions are shown against the day and time scheduled and hovering mouse over each booked session will show you a quick information about the appointment.

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