Why Upgrade?

Check out the full comparison between YayExtra Free and Pro so that you will have an informed choice.

YayExtra Pro version comes with advanced options and settings. Please review these features in the table below.

FeaturesYayExtra FreeYayExtra Pro

Basic Option Types:

  • Text

  • Number

  • Checkbox

  • Radio button

  • Button

  • Dropdown list

  • Swatches (Few options)

Conditional logic

Show extra subtotal on product page

Show total item price on product page

Advanced Option Types

  • Text area

  • Email/URL

  • Swatches (Full options)

  • Calendar date picker

  • Time picker

  • File upload

  • Button (Multi select)

  • Swatches (Multi select)


Color & image swatches:

Advanced settings

Swatch shape

Swatch direction

Change product images


Pricing type (Extra fee/ discount)

  • Fixed price

  • Percentage

Few options

Full options

Linked Product (Product as an Option)


Customize and preview styling


Stock/inventory of extra options


Update product price


Show/hide option sets for roles


Show extra options value in mini cart line items


VIP live chat support


Last updated