
Which helps you setting some options.

Here are the settings for some options, allowing you to show/hide the option field or some other things.

  • Show/Hide option sets for roles: allows showing/hiding options fields in the single product page base on roles. If the setting values in the two settings (Show/Hide) are the same, the "Hide option sets for roles" setting will be applied.

  • Show additional price text on option value.

  • Show extra subtotal on the product page.

  • Show the total price on the product page.

  • Show extra options value in mini cart line items.

  • Update product price: When you turn on this option, if any selected option has increased the cost, it will replace the price on product page automatically. (Price only changes for additional cost and linked product, not for fee/discount).

  • Applied option sets: Just only show Option sets with conditions: All applicable option sets, First applicable option set, The most options or The least options.

  • Import/Export option sets: Import/Export option sets by uploading your JSON file.

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